Thank you Democrats!

It’s an honor to have been re-elected to serve on the California Democratic National Committee at the state delegation meeting in San Diego. Click HERE for full DNC 2024 Member Election Results.

Meeting then VP Biden during Iraq deployment

It’s a distinct honor to serve as a California member of the Democratic National Committee and fight to protect our democracy.

Trump called our fallen soldiers ‘suckers’ and ‘losers’, and I take strong offense to this. As the only VETERAN elected to the California DNC running, I’m committed to making sure every veteran knows about Trump’s insult to our heroes.

I’m also proud to serve as a 
Supervisor for Santa Clara County - the largest county in Northern California. I have championed climate action measures, protected women's rights - including abortion rights, ending child marriage, and fighting human trafficking. I led gun buyback efforts that collected more than 1,100 unwanted guns.

I am committed to grassroots organizing, electing Democrats, and defending our Democracy. I want to continue my service as a member of the DNC to re-elect President Biden & VP Harris, hold the Senate, and elect a strong majority in Congress by
flipping House seats in Orange County, Central Valley and other red districts.

I respectfully ask for your vote again.


Vote Otto LEE for DNC

Otto & two of this three daughters

Otto & the legendary Dolores Huerta

Otto & Bel Leong-Hong



CADEM Leaders:
Christine Pelosi, DNC Executive Committee Member
Carolyn Fowler, CA DNC & Chair of CA Women’s Caucus
Keith Kaz Umemoto, CA DNC
Garry S. Shay, CA DNC
Sunjay Muralitharan, Vice Chair College Democrats of America
Norma & Carlos Alcala, Vice Chair and Chair CADEM Chicano and Latino Caucus
Chef Basil Kimbrew, Chair CA Veterans Caucus
Olivia Lee, Secretary LACDP


U.S. Congressmembers:
Ted Lieu, CA-36
Ro Khanna, CA-17
Judy Chu, CA-28
Mark Takano, CA-41
Doris Matsui, CA-7
Grace Meng, NY-6
Mike Honda, CA-17 (Ret.)

Orange County Democrats
California Democratic Council

CA State Leaders:
Dave Cortese
, SD-15
Josh Becker, SD-13
Evan Low, AD-26 & Congressional Candidate CA-16
Alex Lee, AD-24
Ash Kalra, AD-25
Mike Fong, AD-49
Paul Fong, AD-28 (Ret.)
John Chiang, CA Controller & CA Treasurer (Ret.)

DNC Leaders:
Terron Sims, Chair DNC Veterans and Military Families Council
Bel Leong-Hong, Chair DNC AAPI Caucus


CA DNC Members with VP Harris

Otto & U.S. Representative Ted Lieu

Assemblymember Kalra, U.S. Representatives Lofgren & Panetta, and County Supervisor Chavez

Otto Lee Highlights

  • Implemented President Obama’s order to drawdown troops and close bases while serving boots on the ground in Iraq in 2009; survived mortar attacks and awarded Bronze Star - retired after serving 28 years U.S. Navy Reserve

  • Served as City Councilmember and Mayor for the City of Sunnyvale, 2003-2011

  • NAACP Legislator of the Year Award, 2011

  • Democratic Party endorsed challenger to Republican Devin Nunes in 2012

  • First elected to CA DNC in 2016

  • Canvassed for Democrats in Reno, Nevada in 2016 & 2022

  • Hosted fundraisers for the Democrats to ride the “Blue Wave” in 2018

  • Elected Santa Clara County Supervisor in 2020, re-elected unopposed

  • Outreach to over >1M Democrats living abroad to ensure their votes count in 2024

  • League of Conservations Voters Legislator of the Year, 2023


    • Vice Chair, DNC AAPI Caucus

    • Vice Chair, DNC Veterans and Military Families Council

    • Member, DNC Credentials Committee

AS County Supervisor

  • Initiated use of AI technology and detectors to prevent wildfires in rural areas

  • Fight to expand broadband access to rural areas and low-income neighborhoods

  • Expanded veterans services - including purchase of homeless veterans facility in East San José

  • Led three gun buybacks - collected 1,116 unwanted guns, including ghost guns and assault-style weapons

  • Authored legislation for Santa Clara County to be the FIRST county in California to pass a resolution to end child marriage

  • Led actions to address mental health crisis and substance use - expanded access to free Narcan kits to prevent overdoses

  • Strengthened rights and community safety against hate, racial violence and discrimination - vocal advocate supporting Love Wins, Stop AAPI Hate, Black Lives Matter, and other civil rights causes

  • Prioritizing development of new affordable housing and transitional housing for our unhoused neighbors

  • Expanded services for refugees and immigrants - including those from from Afghanistan, Central and South America - opened a new health clinic dedicated to serve refugees in North San José

  • Passed resolution to support Ukraine and hosted delegations

  • Advocating for the immediate release of hostages, ceasefire, and safe passage of humanitarian aid to the millions of Palestinian families trapped in Gaza


“Since Trump called our fallen soldiers ‘suckers’ and ‘losers’, I have made it my personal mission to ensure every veteran I know and every veteran I meet knows this story.”
-Otto Lee


National Congressional Asian & Pacific Islander Leaders Support Otto Lee for DNC!

”Otto and Keith (Umemoto) have played a pivotal role in the development and implementation of the DNC's AAPI effort to elect Democrats, which has included active participation with California's Fil-Am and Asian Pacific Islander Caucuses and numerous other state AAPI caucuses.  Their effort and experience is indispensable for the upcoming 2024 elections.

Furthermore, Otto also serves on the DNC Credentials Committee member and as an officer of the DNC Veterans and Military Family Council.”

Signed by U.S. Representatives Chu, Meng, Matsui, Takano, Khanna & Lieu


Otto at CADEM Convention

Otto with Assemblymember/Congressional Candidate Evan Low & Cupertino Mayor Hung Wei

Otto with Carolyn Fowler & Christine Pelosi outside Ukraine House in DC

Otto & DNC Member Keith Umemoto